Please check that your house is in our catchment area before proceeding with the enrolment process.
If you live outside the catchment, contact the school office for more information. You can apply for exemption by writing to the Principal or by completing an enrolment-catchment-exemption.PDF 254.67 KB
Tours are held on Thursday mornings at 9.00 a.m. by appointment.
Please contact our office to book an enrolment tour. (07) 5351 2222 or email
N.B. We need to sight an original document of proof of birth - We do not retain a copy of this.
2025 Student Resource Scheme -SRS Parent Information.pdf ($100.00 per student). Please print, sign and return the attached SRS Participation Agreement Form.pdf indicating Yes or No.
Please note that enrolment forms cannot be accepted unless all relevant paperwork and documents i.e. proof of residency and proof of birth etc. are presented.
Enrolment forms are available from our office or via the links on this page.
Please ensure you complete this set of forms in full including emergency contact details, health issues, family issues, etc.
Additional forms include:
Link: Booklists and SRS