It is most important that your child attend school regularly and punctually.
How to inform us of an absence
The student absence phone number is 5351 2266.
Attendance is compulsory. When a student is absent, verification of the absenteeism is required from the parents or legal guardian.
Unexplained absences in excess of 3 school days are investigated and if appropriate, reported to the police.
In accordance with the Education Act (General Provisions) 2006 parents intending to take students for holidays during the school year must apply in writing stating the dates the students will be absent from school and the reason why the absence is necessary.
Inform us of absence
For security and safety reasons, students must be signed in and out at the office if they arrive late or have to leave early at any time during the day. If you need to collect your child during the day we ask you do this at the start of the session to avoid interrupting the class, e.g. 10.50 a.m. or 1.30 p.m.
You may like to consider the impact of being ‘just a little bit late’ over time by perusing the graphic below: