Events, Camps and Outdoor Education
Variations to School Routine such as excursions, camps and outdoor education experiences are organised by teachers in line with the units of worked planned for the term. Costs are kept to a minimum and parents are charged only according to transport, venue hire or entry and activity and catering costs. The school does not make money from these events. In many cases Variations to School Routine are subsidised by our annual school grant.
Participating students will be asked to return a completed online permission note and Medical Information Form via your QParents account before being allowed to participate.
Parents having difficulty with payment may make an appointment to discuss this with the Principal.
Our Camp and Outdoor Education Policy and Program assists students to further develop interpersonal and physical skills through an integrated program in the outdoor environment. The aims and objectives of such a program are:
- to encourage development of problem-solving and leadership skills;
- to investigate different learning environments through participation in environmental experiences;
- to involve students in situations aimed at developing greater interpersonal skills and understandings;
- to involve students in situations that are challenging and that develop physical capabilities;
- to stimulate interest in and appreciation of other learning environments;
- to extend students’ experience, develop self-reliance and responsibility through expedition work and activities of a more demanding nature than normally encountered;
- to train students in larger group work, problem solving and teamwork.
- Only students who have a completed consent form and payment by the due date can attend.
Check your QParents (the nominated debtor for your child) account or inbox for an emailed invoice.
- QParents information
Call our office for help! 5351 2222
QParents registration quick reference guide.pdf
Go to your QParents account - The parent who is the 'nominated debtor' will be able to make payments via the QParents app.
Invoices for all school acivities and events will be issued via email.
Alternatively you can pay:
- Phone payment using credit/debit card via BPOINT1300 631 073. Please quote CRN and invoice number from the BPOINT box on the left of your emailed invoice
- BPoint - use the link at the bottom of your emailed invoice to easily pay online via BPoint
- Centrepay - please come into the office to complete an application
- Credit card payment in our office
Alternatively payment can be made by bank transfer:
- Peregian Springs State School General Account
- BSB - 064212
- Account # - 10004670
- Please state: (Child's) LAST NAME, Given name, SRS payment etc as the the reference
- Please email a copy of the payment transfer once payment has been made