Interviews and meetings
Schools report on student academic progress twice per year, at the end of semester 1 and at the end of semester 2. Teachers also provide formal parent/teacher feedback meetings twice per year as per Education Queensland guidelines. Bookings for parent/teacher feedback meetings are made via an online link which will be advertised for you to access at these points across the school year.
Additionally, parents/carers are encouraged to discuss their child's progress with his/her teacher throughout the school year at a mutually convenient time in relation to discuss relevant issues or concerns. We encourage open, respectful and transparent communications where all parties feel supported.
Appointments should be made with the individual teacher to allow teachers adequate preparation time, remembering that before school teachers are setting up for their class teaching and learning day, so unless scheduled and agreed to with the teacher, this time should be avoided.
Teachers will determine best ways to communicate with parents/carers at the start of the school year and with newly enrolled families throughout the year. We acknowledge our staff' right to disconnect (right to disconnect legislation) so that they can enjoy a healthy level of well-being and personal and family time.
Interviews with the Principal and Deputy Principals to discuss student's progress or any concerns that you may have beyond the delegation of the class teacher are welcome, and an appointment should be made through the front office to ensure calendar availability of the Leadership Team member.
We value working with you for best outcomes for the children in our care.