Under the Queensland Chief Health Officer Directive, any student who is unwell must not attend school and students should remain at home until well. The school must ask parents/carers to collect their child from school if they are unwell.
As always, decisions about the operation of kindergarten and schools will be guided by health advice and informed by the status of Queensland’s response to COVID-19 situation at the time.
At Peregian Springs State School we continue to:
* encourage and promote regular hand washing or use of sanitizer
* conduct increased cleaning of classrooms, particularly high frequency touch points including water fountains or bubblers.
It is essential we all work together at this time for the welfare of our whole community.
Parents entering school grounds before and after school
Current 14 September 2021
Parents/carers and visitors are very welcome on site with the requirement they adhere to the ongoing direction regarding the wearing of masks.
In line with the COVID restrictions updated on 10 September 2021 visitors entering a primary school in the 11 Local Government Areas in South East Queensland must wear a mask. This includes our school.
Visitors and external providers: including providers of extracurricular activities will now be permitted onto the school grounds with many of our after-school programs recommencing.
If parents choose to come in to collect students at the end of day it is essential that you maintain social distance whilst waiting along the central footpath/spine, otherwise we will have to go back to collection at gates.
For assistance in languages other than English, please refer to the National Translating and Interpreting Service, and the Translated Australian COVID-19 information and resources.
Generally, for access to school grounds by parents - The parameters around this are:
- continue social distancing – that is stay 1.5m away from other parents, students and staff, and wear a mask at all times
- avoid congregating in groups
- leave the school grounds as soon as you can. Please do not hang around to catch up with your friends
- when possible, email your class teacher. Communicate with your child’s teacher by telephone or email.
Other measures to make note of - Please
- Keep your child home if they are sick – even with just a sniffly nose.
Most importantly, remain positive with your child about being at school and contact either their class teacher or their Lead Administrator should you have any questions or concerns.
Your support and understanding is appreciated.